
Django Country Kit provides the following features for usage:

Country Model Field

In your models, use the CountryField to store country codes:

from django.db import models
from django_country_kit.fields import CountryField

class YourModel(models.Model):
    country = CountryField()

For multiple selections:

from django.db import models
from django_country_kit.fields import CountryField

class YourModel(models.Model):
    countries = CountryField(multiple=True)

Country Widget

In your forms, use the CountryWidget to render a dropdown list of countries:

from django import forms
from django_country_kit.widgets import CountryWidget

class YourForm(forms.Form):
    country = forms.CharField(widget=CountryWidget())

For multiple selections:

from django import forms
from django_country_kit.widgets import MultipleCountryWidget

class YourForm(forms.Form):
    countries = forms.CharField(widget=MultipleCountryWidget())

Country Class

The Country class represents a country and provides properties for accessing its name, alpha3, and code. This class is part of the Django Country Kit and offers convenient functionality for handling country-related data.

You can create an instance of the Country class to retrieve information about a specific country. Here’s how you can use it:

from django_country_kit.base import Country

# Create a Country instance with a specific country code
country = Country(code='US')

# Retrieve the name of the country
country_name =  # Returns 'United States'

# Retrieve the alpha3 code of the country
country_alpha3 = country.alpha3  # Returns 'USA'

Or you can create by country name:

from django_country_kit.base import Country

# Create a Country instance with a country name
country = Country(name='United States')

# Retrieve the code of the country
country_name = country.code  # Returns 'United States'

# Retrieve the alpha3 code of the country
country_alpha3 = country.alpha3  # Returns 'USA'